IMPERIAL offers automotive services through its companies Imperial Hellas S.A, DEKRA Imperial and Imperial Claims Services. Imperial has been working with DEKRA for more than 20 years to develop DEKRA Claims Services in Greece and Southeast Europe and DEKRA Imperial in Greece. Imperial Claims Services is the largest claims settlement company in Greece and one of the largest in Southeastern Europe with subsidiaries in 3 countries offering specialized services to more than 300 companies from 31 countries. DEKRA Imperial is the largest used vehicle inspection company in Greece inspecting more than 20,000 vehicles annually for leasing, rent a car, import and car dealer companies.
Our vision:
To contribute in such a way to our society so that people can live and move more safely.
In partnership with DEKRA, the world’s largest vehicle inspection company, we work to make vehicles as safe and functional as possible.
More than 20,000 used vehicles a year in Greece are bought because consumers trust DEKRA Imperial’s control over them. The responsibility to offer the most accurate and objective control leads us to constantly look for new audit methods that lead to accuracy and transparency.
Because for us, proper control of a vehicle aims to maintain a safe world.
Company principles and values:
Security, Accuracy, Transparency
Our responsibility:
To offer the most accurate and objective control. This leads us to constantly look for new control methods that lead to accuracy and transparency
Our company has permanent staff in our leased facilities both in Magoula and in OPEL SINIS in Thessaloniki. It also has permanent staff at inspection points both in Iera Odos in Athens, in Kifissia on Kalyftaki Street, and in Maroussi, in the Mall area.